Saturday 1 October 2016

Is DARPA Memex search engine Google killer ? – watch out

DARPA recently announced to open source Memex project – an online search tool intended to fight crime over “Dark Web” through artificial intelligence. Memex project is a domain focused search engine and is initially deployed to curb human trafficking, this would reveal the strategy and analysis.
The project is expected to be available to wider public audience so that they can leverage the leanings from large data-sets.
Christoper White team lead at Memex believes that the commercial search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo are inapt to perform in depth searches as it conflicts their interests. In addition to it they index only a part of the internet which accounts to only 15% of the whole. Commercial search engines also comes with one size fits all interface which are inapt to perform when talks are about to do analysis, comparative content, relative content, connections across content.
As of now, there is lot of manual searching and querying which make commercial search engines ineffective at times. Memex wants to enable discovery of content which is relevant to the audience and the presentation of it for analysis. As the project wraps up in two years time the Memex would be released for download.
Accordingly Forbes, White added. “That’s our ambitious goal: to enable a new kind of search engine, a new way to access public web content.”

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